Based on the Manga comic and the popular spinning top game, this Japanese anime brings together a number of bladers from around the World who are initially challenged by a newcomer, Masamune. After initially battling each other to see who is the most powerful blader in the World, the small group of bladers at the first tournament join together to form a traveling group of players. Traveling to the Beybalde World Championships means these individuals will have to join together to work as a team if one of them is to become the top blader in the world.
Beyblade Metal Masters Episode 30 - The Midday Street Battle English Dubbed (Full) Destiny Drawers / Howto & Style. Length: 22:21 Quick View. Thanks For Watching!!! Episodes, trailers, clips or any Youtube video without visitng the Youtube site with hassle free controls and beautiful responsive UI. Currently It supports 55 formats.