Chelsea Galleries Openings


Openings In Chelsea Galleries March 3


Nyc Art Openings

So here you are, in the thumping nucleus of the $45 billion global art market, home to 250 or more galleries of contemporary art. But why does the floor feel so unsteady? Rumblings of a market correction are everywhere in Chelsea lately, and the one-two punch of slowing sales and rising rents — note the garish condos rising above your head — has begun to knock out galleries large and small. Dealers have decamped downtown (Derek Eller, Alexander and Bonin) and uptown (Anton Kern). Descargar aplicaciones gratis de musica. And there have been closings, too: Mike Weiss Gallery, Murray Guy and, most shockingly, the stalwart Andrea Rosen Gallery, which was an anchor of this neighborhood’s main drag of 24th Street. But Chelsea’s still here, and still the best place in town to see lots of art in not a lot of time. This tour visits seven commercial galleries, as well as three of Chelsea’s nonprofit spaces, which can sometimes be overlooked.

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