Sumita Arora Class 11
CBSE Computer Subjects EduPillar team has been in to the field of impacting computer education for past 16 years. Having rich experience in formal education format and its associated fields, We have now come up with e-training and e-learning solutions in the form of, for the diverse student community across India and globe. Initially will remain focused to provide e-education in computer subjects of CBSE only Later we shall be catering to various schools boards, various subjects, and various classes as well. Virtual and Live classes We offer learner-centric combination of its virtual classes, video-classes and live classes along with support-material to enrich the e-learning experience of learner. EduPillar defines learning objectives of each class and thereby ensures to deliver content, support material like notes, assignments, e-exams etc.

Sumita Arora Class 11 Pdf
To meet those learning objectives. The courses have been designed as per the syllabi defined by corresponding boards, shall also conduct virtually live classes to provide interactive.
Sumita Arora Class 11 Solutions
Programs and Presentation: Topics Covered: In this video tutorial, we introduce the concept of computer programming and programming languages. Also we try to understand the difference between High Level Languages (HLL) and Low Level Languages (LLL), and the importance of compilers for the translation from HLLs to LLLs. Towards the end, we introduce the C++ programming language and the idea behind Integrated Development Environments using TurboC++.