Types Of Marlboro Menthol Cigarettes
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Different Kinds Of Marlboro Menthol Cigarettes
Out of stock 'Marlborough' ( Marlboro cigarettes) was born in 1924 as the first ladies' cigarettes. In earlier times, the idea of selling cigarettes to women was considered rebellious, just as today - to sell tobacco to minors. But with the appearance of suffragettes in the society in 1920 (women fighters for universal suffrage) the issue of equality arose - women wanted to have the same nasty habit as men (in those days nobody discussed the smoking harm). Nevertheless, trading this product was a risky business. Tum hi ho youtube. The advertising specialists were trying to prove that although smoking leads to yellow teeth, ill odor, irreversible addictive, the emergence of severe dry cough in the morning, but nevertheless ladies are still feminine and tender.